Previous Chapter - Station 2-14
Chapter Four: Ley
‘I think I want my money back,’ says Ley as they enter their third hour of waiting in an alley watching an unmarked door.
‘Shhh,’ quips Voss. ‘It's a silent stake-out.’ Ley goes to stand up and leave, resigning herself to the fact that she’s not going to enter the Games, when a waiter comes out the back door. Voss grabs her arm, steadying her. The waiter hauls trash into the bins like he’s done a thousand times before and then turns back inside without a glance in their direction. The moment the waiter disappears from sight, Voss is up and running:
‘Quick - grab the door,’ he shouts.
‘Stop the door from closing!’ He cries, hands reaching for the handle. Using TK, Ley grabs ahold of the door and stops it from sealing shut. Voss breathes a sigh of relief as she wanders over to join him.
‘So, you don't have TK?’ Voss sighs and grabs the door, holding it open.
‘Only the best people don't, sweetheart. Now, quickly get inside.’
Ley follows Voss inside and they sneak through the crowded kitchen to the main restaurant. While the kitchen is bright and full of activity, the restaurant is dark and quiet. They peer through the kitchen window to find all the tables empty except for one at the back where a woman eats alone.
Avery Pangere.
Underneath the lone ceiling light above, she casts the perfect silhouette. Even at a distance she looks expensive. Her hair is neatly styled and her dress would cost more money than Ley had seen in her lifetime. Her table is full of every dish the restaurant has but she picks at the food like it’s about to expire.
‘So we just go talk to her?’ Says Ley, pushing through the doors.
‘Wait, wait — see those men there?’ He says pointing to the main entrance where two of the largest men Ley has ever seen stand guard. ‘That’s her security. We need to quietly get to her before they get to us.’ As the words leave his mouth, one of the men spots them spying through the window. ‘Shit - go, go, go.’
They run through the door, racing towards Pangere. Ley has no idea what they’re supposed to do once they reach her. Tackle her to the ground? Take a seat at the table?
They never get the chance.
The security catch up and each man takes one of them into their arms to haul outside, muffling their cries with a hand. Pangere doesn’t bother to glance over her shoulder as Ley kicks and claws at the man holding her. Voss manages to worm his face from his assailant’s grip:
‘Wait,’ he cries. ‘Avery, it’s — ‘ The man readjusts his hold and muffles his words as they inch towards the door only to stop in their tracks.
‘Voss? Is that you?’ While continuing to hold them in a firm grip, the security turn to face Pangere. She nods and they drop them to the ground. Ley quickly squirms out of his grasp while Voss pushes the other away before turning to Pangere and acting like nothing had happened:
‘Avery!’ He says with delight. ‘Hey, hello — how are you? Long time.’
‘Nearly fifteen years, I think,’ she says with a coy smile.
‘Has it been that long? I mean, I have been very busy.’
‘I’m sure... How can I help, Voss?’
‘Actually —’
‘It's me,’ says Ley, unable to stay quiet any longer. ‘I need your help. I want to compete in the Games.’ Pangere turns towards Ley as if she only just realised that she was there. Her steady gaze fixes upon her and Ley can feel herself shrinking beneath it. ‘I, uh, I want to compete in the Games.’
‘So you've said,’ says Pangere. She knows that she’s only got a moment to convince her, less than that, but she can’t find the words to say.
‘Voss said that he would introduce me to you,’ she says sheepishly. ‘And I know you haven't sponsored anyone. So, I think you should sponsor me.’
‘Is that so?’ She says, raising her brows at Voss.
‘Yeah, I did,’ says Voss. ‘She has talent - I thought we could come to an arrangement…’
‘I see, then why weren't you at registration?’
‘They wouldn't let me in.’
‘They wouldn't let you?’
‘… I was late. Only a few minutes —’ Pangere raises a hand to silence her.
‘I see. What's your name?’
‘Ley.’ Pangere smiles a perfect smile.
‘That's a lovely name. But Ley, I chose not to sponsor anyone from registration because no one was worthy of it. Why should I sponsor you if you can't arrive somewhere on time?’
‘Because I can win.’ Pangere laughs, or at least, pretends to. She laughs as if she’s spent years laughing at jokes that aren’t funny and has since forgotten what it should truly sound like.
‘Everyone believes they can win,’ she says. ‘Until they lose, of course.’
‘She's got talent, Avery,’ says Voss. ‘Eight bands.’
‘Eight?’ She asks in disbelief. ‘Show me.’ Ley holds out her arms to Pangere who gently pulls back her sleeves, studying the bands on her arms. While Tessa looked at her bands with a sort of sadness, Pangere studies them like their treasure.
‘Remarkable - how did this happen? Have you used any of your power before?’
‘Some? Not enough for this.’
‘No, of course not, the whole city would know if you had.’ Seeing them sparks a light in her eyes that makes Ley want to snatch her arms back — afraid that she’ll never be able to use them again. Pangere notices Ley flinch and quickly composes herself; the veil of serenity falling back into place. She pulls Ley’s sleeves back down her arms, covering her bands once more. ‘Sometimes those who are the most capable of power are better off not showing it.’
‘What's that supposed to mean?’
‘It means go home, Ley. Spend time with your friends and family. Forget about the Games. It will only cause you hardship.’
‘But I could win.’
‘I’m sure you could, but unlike you, I have no real power.’ Pangere shows her arms, free of marks. ’I have no bands. No TK. And if you can't control yours…’
‘I can —’ Pangere holds up a hand and Ley jolts into silence.
‘Please, I misspoke. I'm sure you can control it but you said that you haven't used your full power before, so you'll need someone to train you and I'm not that person. Neither is dear Voss. Without a trainer, I can't help you. I'm sorry Ley…’ Pangere gives the slightest of nods to her security and turns away. Her men instantly move towards them, ready to throw them back out on the streets, but Ley won’t take no for an answer. She shouts over their shoulders as they block Pangere from view:
‘I have a trainer!’ Her security stop, hands caught mid-air and reaching for the two of them. ‘Tessa Kellar is training me.’ Pangere turns back to them and her security part without a word. She studies Ley for the lie before she looks to Voss.
‘Is this true?’ She asks. Ley tries her best to give Voss a signal to lie but doesn’t know what signal to give. What twitch of the hand means don’t-screw-this-up?
Voss doesn’t miss a beat,
‘Ish- yeah.’
‘Ish?’ She says, the word twisting unnaturally on her tongue.
‘Well, Tessa was concerned that with someone like Ley, with so much power and potential, that she really needed two people to train her. So she would only agree if it was her and me and that we would get 30 percent.’
’10 percent.’
Voss bursts out onto the street with Ley and Pangere’s security following close behind.
‘Yes!’ He shouts, unable to hold in his excitement. He wraps an arm around Ley’s shoulders and leads her away. ‘Thank you boys.’
‘What the hell was that?’ Says Ley, pushing him away. ‘You’re training me?’
‘Don't look at me kid,’ he says. ‘You're the one who started lying first.’
‘And what makes you think I want you training me?’
‘Because I'm the best there is... But also if you don't, you have no hope of competing at all. It's your classic all-or-nothing scenario for you miss, what do you say?’ Ley barely has to think:
‘How do we get Tessa then?’
‘Don’t worry about that - I have something in mind.’
Tessa stands in one corner of the ring strapping her hands for the next fight. Ley stalks up the steps to join her just as the bell rings. She holds her head high as Tessa turns to face her and can’t help but smirk when she sees Tessa’s eyes grow wide as she recognises Ley as her next opponent. Tessa groans:
‘You have got to be kidding me.’
I'm loving this series!!