I didn't think I Am Pilgrim would be good. My sister got it for me as a gift one Christmas and I put off reading it. Out of guilt and my attempt at being a good brother I finally picked it up one day and blasted my way through it. I love it and admit that I completely misjudged the book.

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I was really similar! I've had it since 2020 and just didn't think it would be very good. But I couldn't put it down once I started. I'm glad I'm not the only one who misjudged it haha

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You are so brave for counting your TBR pile, I am too scared and keep buying books to pile onto it 😬 maybe I should confront my fears too haha!

I’ve never read Leigh Bardugo and had my eye on The Familiar for a while and you’ve just convinced me to read it. Not sure why I have hesitated because I love history and fantasy???

Looking forward to your next notes on your commute xx

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It was definitely confronting but now I have a cute reading to do list hahahah

Let me know what you think of The Familiar!! I think you'll love it but can't wait to hear your thoughts

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